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Were your student days also the best days of your life? Unfortunately, that is not always the case for many students today. Since the lockdowns during the pandemic, they spend more time at home and loneliness has become a big issue. The pressure to perform and high room rents are also taking their toll. Your help is needed to turn the tide. Will you help us to enrich the lives of this generation of students?

The coronavirus itself doesn’t seem to have had a huge impact on students, but the measures taken to curb the spread – such as the closure of university buildings, online lectures, and the curfew – have certainly left their mark. Although our lives have largely returned to normal, we are still seeing a decline in student involvement and social integration. Students feel less connected to the university and are finding it harder to connect with their peers. And yet that social connectedness plays a crucial role in student well-being. This sense of connectedness usually develops during recreational activities – and that is exactly what the Amsterdam University Fund (AUF) is committed to funding, thanks to the help of its donors.

Personal development

With your support, the AUF can shine a spotlight on the UvA’s many study, sports, and music associations. Organisations such as the USC Sport, CREA and the SPUI25 debate centre also deserve special attention; the activities organised by these organisations and associations play a crucial role in students’ personal development, the discovery of new hobbies and the building of lifelong friendships. The AUF is always delighted to help them achieve this.

Student rowing club takes part in prestigious rowing competition

The student rowing club Nereus participates in the prestigious international rowing competition, Henley Royal Regatta on the Thames, every year. Competing at Henley is the absolute highlight of the season for every rower. Participating in this event comes with a hefty price tag, but thanks to an AUF group travel grant this opportunity remains affordable for students.

The UvA’s oldest student orchestra on tour

The University of Amsterdam’s oldest student orchestra, UvA-Orchestra J.Pzn Sweelinck, also regularly receives grants from the AUF. The orchestra uses this funding to perform concerts in the Netherlands and abroad. Emma Stam, member of the orchestra and the board, on the orchestra: “Because of the Sweelinck Orchestra, in addition to my studies, I can make music at a high level with people who share the same passion.”

Opportunities for outdoor sports and activities

Thanks to our donors, the outdoor bouldering block at Science Park opened a few years ago. It became very popular during the coronavirus pandemic, as being active and doing sports outdoors had never been so important. In the near future, the USC’s outdoor sports facilities on the UvA Faculty of Science campus will be expanded to include a fitness box and basketball court, which would not have been possible without the help of our donors.

This year, the Amsterdam University Fund wants to raise awareness for the social, cultural, and physical development of students at the University of Amsterdam. To be able to organise special student activities and provide these facilities, we rely on the support of our donors. Will you help us to give today’s students a rich university experience?