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Researchers and other UvA staff can apply for funding for heritage-related projects thanks to the support of contributors.

Projects that support the acquisition, restoration and accessibility of academic-cultural heritage are eligible for support from the Amsterdam University Fund. A requirement is that the projects have a direct relationship with the UvA and cannot be funded from regular resources.

Upon completion of the project, the applicant must submit a report so that we can inform our contributors about the use of the fund, and possibly include the project in the newsletter and annual report of the Amsterdam University Fund.

Submitting an application

Call             Deadline                      Academic Affairs Committee meeting

2024 Q2      Sun 26 May 2024          Thu 27 June 2024

2024 Q3      Sun 08 Sep 2024           Thu 10 October 2024

2024 Q4      Sun 10 Nov 2024          Thu 12 December 2024

Applicants will be informed about the decision-making in the week after the committee meeting.

Please submit the application with all required information using the application form. The form is in English, the files to be uploaded can be in Dutch.

Application checklist

The application must include:

  • a motivation with a justification for expenditure (maximum one page) which describes how the project will contribute to the acquisition, restoration and accessibility of academic and cultural heritage and how the requested amount will be spent (e.g. digitisation of collections, creation of exhibition space etc.); 
  • a detailed project description (maximum two A4 pages); 
  • a statement from the head of department making it clear that the initiative has the approval of the faculty;
  • a detailed budget (download) including an overview of all expenses and income (such as research costs, personnel costs, requested and/or committed gifts, grants or sponsorships from other funds, faculty, companies, etc.);
  • a CV of the applicant including a track record of past performances (maximum two A4 pages).

Report requirements

The report should cover a maximum of three A4 pages and should include the following topics:

  • Description purpose of the project.
  • Academic added value of the project.
  • Possible follow-up.


The report should also be accompanied by a number of digital photos. Please submit the photos as high resolution JPG files (file size larger than 1 MB).

The photos and the report may be used for our website, online newsletter or other publications through which we inform our contributors about how the fund is spent. If we intend to do so, we will ask for permission first. We do not provide compensation for the use of photos.


Please send the report, the final financial statement and the photos within three weeks after completion of the project by email to and state your name and telephone number.


For more information about this grant, please contact the Amsterdam University Fund.
T: +31 (0)20 525 2138 