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UvA researchers can apply for grants for scientific projects thanks to the support of contributors.

Research projects by UvA scientists are eligible for support from the Amsterdam University Fund. A requirement is that the projects have a direct relationship with the UvA and cannot be funded from regular resources.

Upon completion of the research, the applicant must submit a report so that we can inform our contributors about how the fund has been spent and possibly include the project in the newsletter and annual report of the Amsterdam University Fund.

PLEASE NOTE: For postdocs of the Amsterdam UMC there is once a year an opportunity to submit a grant application for medical research. This AUF start stipendium can be applied for via the website of Amsterdam UMC. The deadline for the 2024 round is 4 July 2024.

Amsterdam UMC researchers in the field of tropics-related diseases can apply on this AUF webpage for an AUF project grant research.

Submitting an application

Application Round 

Deadline to apply 


Q1 2025 

Q2 2025 

Q3 2025 

Q4 2025 

28 February 2025 

23 May 2025 

19 September 2025 

14 November 2025 

27 March 2025 

26 June 2025 

16 October 2025 

10 December 2025 

Applicants will be informed about the decision-making in the week after the committee meeting.

*)  PLEASE NOTE: Grants are awarded by the general means of AUF (Algemeen Bestedingsfonds, ABF) and from funds with a specific goal (so-called Named Funds). Applications for the ABF and for Named Funds without an advisory board will be tabled for the December round. If one submit an application for the 8 September deadline, one will be informed whether the application will be discussed in October or in December.

Please submit the application with all required information using the application form. The form is in English, the files to be uploaded can be in Dutch.

Application checklist

The application must include:

  • a motivation with justification for expenditure (maximum one A4), describing how the project will benefit scientific research and/or education at the UvA and/or its students and what the requested amount will be spent on in concrete terms (e.g. fifteen instruments at € 500, digitisation of four collections);
  • a detailed project description (maximum two A4); 
  • a letter of recommendation from the dean that is specific to the project;
  • a statement from the head of department clarifying that the research is embedded within the faculty and stating that the faculty will be in charge of controlling the progress and monitoring the research;
  • an itemised budget (download), including an overview of all expenditure and income (such as research costs, personnel costs, requested and/or promised gifts, subsidies or sponsorships from other funds, faculty, companies, etc.);
  • a CV of the applicant, including a track record of past performance (maximum two A4);
  • If it concerns an application for medical research, a declaration of approval from the Medical Ethics Review Committee (METC) of the AMC must be enclosed as well as a summary of the research protocol (maximum two A4).

Report requirements

The report should not exceed three A4. The report should address the following issues:

  • Description of the investigation;
  • The result;
  • Possible follow-up.

The report may be used for our website, online newsletter or other publications with which we inform our contributors about how the fund is spent. If we intend to do so, we will ask permission first.


Please send the report and the final financial statement within three weeks after completion, stating your name and telephone number, by e-mail to:


If you have any questions about this scholarship, please contact the Amsterdam University Fund via email: Please include your phone number, so that we can call you if needed.