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How can you not only better prepare medical and biomedical students for their profession, but also close the gap between academia and the real experiences of patients? Elza van Deel, associate professor of physiology at Amsterdam UMC, is working on an ambitious project in which experts by experience with a medical condition, play a central role in education. Thanks to the AUF Startstipendium, she can further develop this unique approach.

An interesting dynamic is visible in the Cardiovascular Sciences master's programme, in which Van Deel teaches: 'Medicine students often see patients, but often miss the scientific perspective. Biomedical students learn a lot about diseases, but rarely see people with diseases,' Van Deel explains. As a result, students do not always have a complete picture of what it means to a patient to have a certain disease or how research benefits the patient.   

Van Deel sees this as a missed opportunity. ‘It's not enough to teach students about atrial fibrillation. They also need to understand what it means to suffer from this affliction. A patient is not 'pitiful', but someone with valuable experiences and insights that can contribute to education as well as research.’ 

What should be examined more closely?   

Van Deel is involving experts by experience in the educational process. Patients with atrial fibrillation are asked to share their experiences and ideas through a patient platform. This input forms the basis for scientific research conducted by students. 
'Our idea is to have students do research together with people with a condition. Not talking about them but rather working with them as experts by experience', said Van Deel. Through a newsletter on the platform, patients are initially approached with questions such as, 'What do you think should be researched better?' Then students translate these ideas into scientific questionnaires, which are completed by the patients through the platform.   

This approach offers several advantages. Firstly, it provides a better connection between science and practice. 'Students learn that a patient is not a vague person you have to save, but a partner in research,' Van Deel emphasizes. Secondly, it contributes to students' development as scientists and communicators. 
'They learn not only how to do scientific research, but also how to translate it to a broader audience. That means not only writing a scientific article but also communicating with the patients who have shared their knowledge', she says.  

Patients see what happens with their input 

The project begins with a broad patient survey. 'We ask patients on the platform what they think should be researched. For example, think about the influence of eating habits or sports on atrial fibrillation,' says Van Deel.  
Students are then divided into groups and develop these ideas into questionnaires. The completed lists provide data that students analyze. In addition to scientific reports, they produce accessible summaries and present their findings to patients at a symposium.  

This assignment is not just an assignment but real science for real people

‘The idea is for patients to see what happens with their input, and for students to learn the importance of providing feedback on results. This assignment is not just an assignment but real science for real people,’ Van Deel explains. 
Van Deel hopes this approach will give students a broader view of what it means to work with patients. 'It is important that future doctors and researchers learn to see patients as partners. This can contribute to better collaboration and more patient-centered care.'   

In addition, this project is a steppingstone to broader applications in education. 'I hope we can expand this idea to other faculties and universities. We are even working on a working group on patient participation in education’,’ Van Deel says.    

Putting educational innovations on the map   

The AUF Startstipendium made the start-up of this project possible. 'The money will be used to improve the patient platform and for support in organizing the education,' says Van Deel. But the stipendium offers more than just financial support. 'It helps put educational innovations on the map and shows that education is just as important as research. For me personally, it is also an opportunity to develop further as an educational innovator. 

Van Deel hopes the project will not only improve education but also narrow the gap between the academic and the real world. As she herself says, ‘I hope students learn that a patient is not just a medical case, but an expert with valuable insights. Education should not only be about knowledge, but also about people.’